Monday, August 20, 2012

Holidays in Vienna

Since we had some trouble finding our first place to stay, we decided to go ahead and find an apartment where we wanted to be for the holidays. As of today, we will be spending Christmas and New Year's in Vienna, Austria!

Jake and I have both been there before. It's one of our favorite places. Vienna is a special place to our family for lots of reasons, mainly that Jake's brother, Levi, lived there for a while and it's where Levi and Emily got engaged.

Vienna is supposed to be awesome during the Christmas season (partly backed by a Google image search I did for "Christmas in Vienna"). We were in Rome in mid-December last year (yes, we feel very blessed) and we are excited to see if Vienna can top the holiday extravagance. 

 Here are some pictures of our place:

Friday, August 10, 2012

We found a place to stay!

     It has been a slightly frustrating process trying to find a place to live. We thought that if we searched an entire country (actually several countries) for apartments we would have an abundant amount of options to choose from. It turns out, since we were kinda picky, we had about five options. Two of them were actually never avaliable even though they were listed, one was in the middle of nowhere, and one was crazy expensive. We've been waiting on the last and particular favorite option for about a week now, crossing our fingers and checking our email every hour. Yesterday, while we were at the Mustache Bash in OKC, we finally got the confirmation.

     So, finally, our wanderlust is taking us to London! We will be here for three months, then we will move on elsewhere. Here are some pictures:

The living area. It's a studio.

Part of the living area and the "bedroom".

Opposite the living area and bed.

Cozy kitchen!

Bathroom with BATHTUB!

View out the window. The apartment is across the street from a park.

The window.




     The apartment is in a borough in inner London called Hackney. It's not the nicest part of London, but our place is in a safe area next to a community-oriented park. As you can see, our new (short-term) home is super small, but we are excited about being in London.

Friday, August 3, 2012

We're Employed!

Okay, so we may have jumped the gun a little on that last blog post. At that time, our decision to move was only a few hours old, and there were still gaping holes in the prospect of our departure, chief among them being whether or not my company would actually be alright with me working on a different continent (we'd been given informal winks and nods, but nothing official).

Yesterday, however, word is down from on high that no one actually even likes seeing my face around the office, and the farther I am from them the better, in their eyes.

So we proceed from here post haste and mount the next hurdle: where on Earth are we actually going?